A meme is an instantly understandable message that gets immediate attention and interest. Some people call it a strapline or a tagline but really it is more than that. You are crystallising what you do in a few words so that there is no danger of being misunderstood.
A meme should also work virally so the essence of the meme is not lost in translation. Think about your core products or services. Can you create a powerful meme that would work as an audio logo, a programme or service name, a headline or be used effectively on a website?
Here’s an example of an almost perfect meme.
David breeds Dalmatian dogs. His meme is “I breed Dalmatian dogs”. No confusion, no mistaking the message and its very clear to then pass on. David tells Mark his meme and then Mark speaks to Jill. She asks “What does David do?” and Mark says “David breeds Dalmatian dogs.”
Lets now assume David said “I breed pedigree dogs, mainly Dalmatians but also Labradors and Red Setters.” David tells Mark his meme and then Mark speaks to Jill. She asks “What does David do?” and Mark says “David breeds pedigree dogs.” The meme is starting to weaken in relation to David’s core services. The next stage would be Jill passing this information on to others, whereby she may omit the reference to Dalmatians and/or pedigree dogs. You can see how this can the get further diluted and this is exactly why having a clear and succinct meme for your business will help to not only avoid confusion but to strengthen your brand and allow others to accurately promote you.
In business you may argue that developing such a direct meme isn’t feasible, but I would disagree. You can devote some time to working around your meme and playing with different ways of presenting it. Be clear and if you can include who you work with and what you do for those people.
So you might say “we work with care home owners to train their staff on legislation changes” or “we supply rare gemstones to independent jewellers” – both succinct and leave little room for doubt.
If you would like any help in developing a meme for your business please email me.